
更新 2023年11月20日



Contributing boldly 和 creatively to the common good is central to the MHS experience. A 10th grade 视野 initiative reinforces the notion that contributions need not wait.


现在已经是第二年了, the “Empowered Changemaker” project asks students to choose a cause or issue important to them 和 devise a meaningful action in response. This culminating sophomore 视野 experience provides students opportunities to dive into issues they care about 和 feel empowered to act on what they learn.

“这是十年级地平线的高峰期, where students demonstrate 和 develop an action project focused on their interests,” explains 地平线总监 翡翠的权力 (see page 22 for more about Emerald). “他们如何识别和研究一个问题是有规律的, 然后发展他们提议的行动, 但他们如何追求自己的项目也有很多可能性.”

这个项目也是进入11年级的踏脚石, when students go off campus to volunteer or intern in the broader Berkshires community. 他们的工作从一月份开始, after spending the first semester learning about the history of the Berkshires 和 preparing to host the fall Harvest Luncheon. 学生可以单独或小组作业,项目符合以下四个主题之一:

  • 社会企业家精神——为当地或全球问题创造解决方案;
  • Social activism 和 advocacy — working with others to bring about a social change at MHS or beyond;
  • 服务工作-在MHS或外部组织提供服务;
  • Personal development for future impact — developing a skill or learning something new that can benefit a group or organization in the future.

我们的学生超前思考, 这段经历在很大程度上是他们未来生活的开端.


“他们使用设计思维模式来指导他们的创意, 清楚地定义和规划他们的过程, 想大, 然后缩小范围, 并将计划付诸实施,” Ms. 力量增加了. “这个过程的一部分是了解需要什么, 而不仅仅是假设需要什么, 但要确保一个问题是人们面临的问题, then collaborating 和 connecting with people on the ground to work on a solution.”

这个项目的高潮是分享他们的工作成果, 无论是对同学还是对社区里更广泛的观众. 他们去年的项目涵盖了所有领域. 24岁的伊娃·克内泽维奇(Iva Knezevic)想帮助她收养的伯克希尔社区. Passionate about science, she wanted to combine that interest with a local impact. 当一个同学告诉她澳门威利斯网站医学志愿者(VIM), a nearby nonprofit that provides access to free healthcare for the uninsured or under-insured, 伊娃找到了她的对手.

两年多来,COVID-19成为日常生活的一部分, she fundraised for VIM 和 connected with VIM’s Director of Advancement to learn about healthcare needs in the community 和 how to help. She also reached out to MHS alums who work in the public health 和 social justice fields to ask them about the impact of COVID.

“I was interested in seeing how specifically the Berkshires had been dealing with the p和emic,伊娃补充道。, 今年谁在理疗师那里实习. “这和我去年的工作没有直接关系, 但我知道我想做一些与医学有关的事情, 因为我意识到我喜欢这样. I liked the research 和 definitely learned more about different aspects of medicine 和 public health, 我可以把我对科学的兴趣和一些有影响力的事情联系起来.”

拿俄米 Hopkins ’24 partnered with Kyla Gore ’24 to develop a guide to the 2022 Massachusetts gubernatorial election. 拿俄米 then used that experience to shape her 11th grade internship at 伯克希尔之鹰.

为了他们的变革者项目, 拿俄米 和 Kyla dug into the campaign finances of each of the state’s gubernatorial c和idates, 调查谁给哪个竞选捐款了, 检查捐赠者通常支持的事业, 和, 重要的是, 确定捐款与候选人的政治立场之间的关系.

“We wanted to provide an accessible way to look into campaign funding 和 what that means for someone’s politics,娜奥米解释道, adding that the experience — digging into research 和 connecting the dots — got her thinking about how that could unfold in internship options for this year. “我们在看新闻报道 伯克希尔之鹰, 波士顿环球报e, 以及其他报纸, 和 I realized that I was doing the research that could lead to me writing an article,她补充道.

Ms. 权力的笔记, the Changemaker project provides students a window into how their passions can connect to the community beyond the campus. 这也为他们走出校园,进入大三和大四的视野做好了准备.

“It allows them to see that they are a stakeholder in deciding their experience,她补充道. “他们可以识别兴趣, 为自己辩护, 和 get an idea for what they are interested in — or what they are not interested in. 我们的学生超前思考, 这段经历在很大程度上是他们未来生活的开端, 但同时, 他们现在有机会做出改变.”


  • 凯特和亨利克在匹茨菲尔德小学做志愿者.
  • 戴安娜, 丹妮拉, 佐伊, 乌, 纳特收集毯子, 袜子, 外套, 毛衣, 衬衫, 和裤子, 西部大规模劳工行动, 哪个组织为会员提供紧急衣物计划.
  • 马莱娜组织了一个社区观看纪录片《澳门威利斯官方网站》, phase 1 toward her goal of forging connections to our nationally recognized neighbor, 莎士比亚 & 公司.
  • Molly developed a research presentation about perfectionism 和 how it affects young children through adolescence.
  • Kitty 和 Ayako created a website to call attention to raise awareness about homeless animals.
  • 艾拉设计并发表了一次演讲, “Disabled Isn’t a Bad Word: Exploring the Stereotypes 和 Ideas Surrounding Neurodivergence 和 Disability 和 the Problems They Cause,为2022年的正义, 股本, 多样性, 包容, 和身份(JEDII)宣讲会.
  • 许普诺斯, Leora, 麦迪收集捐赠的艺术品和手工艺品, 零食, 和 other play items for children at Pittsfield’s Berkshire Kids Place 和 the Elizabeth Freeman Center.
  • 霍妮制定了一个为期六周的自我护理计划.
  • Hanna 和 Juliana volunteered with Jewish Family Services 和 worked with children in Pittsfield.
  • Sophie developed a PowerPoint presentation investigating ancient human 和 ne和erthal ancestry, 利用现代遗传策略.
  • Izzy examined the integral part poetry plays within ourselves, the world, 和 our communities.
  • Kyla 和 拿俄米 sought to provide financial transparency about the 2022 c和idates for governor in Massachusetts.
  • Ruby organized a food drive through local nonprofit Berkshire Bounty to benefit community residents who suffer from food insecurity.
  • 莱拉探索在MHS开设心理学澳门威利斯网站.
  • Zadie researched the barriers girls face globally to education — 和 what can be done to help.
  • Iva fundraised for Volunteers in Medicine 和 connected with VIM’s Director of Advancement to learn about healthcare needs in the community 和 how to help.
  • Cora researched the difference between introverts’ 和 extroverts nervous systems 和 how differences affect behavior.
  • 我研究了青少年药物滥用及其后果.
  • 艾拉, 拿俄米, 逢, 和 Lily worked with the Berkshire Environmental Action Team (BEAT) to research ways to reduce waste 和 increase sustainability on the MHS campus.
  • 索菲亚举办了一场素食烘焙义卖, 所得款项将用于农场庇护所和粮食赋权项目.
  • 伊娜曾与. Himes to create videos/documents about biomorphic robot 和 motion tracking.
  • Yiyi, Craye, Yuki, 和 Jessica explored the causes, effects, 和 solutions to video game addition.
  • 娜吉玛介绍了她祖国的历史和发展, 索马里兰, 并组织了一次支持国家独立的请愿活动.
  • Carrie介绍了她的水彩画学习过程, 包括介绍水彩技术和她的过程.
  • 琼娜 pu出版诗集, 一位年轻女子的交响曲,探索跨种族收养的主题, 是黑人, 种族歧视, 增长, 损失, 记忆, 和家人.
  • 玛戈特和伊登研究了斯托克布里奇芒西部落.